SSI received the Excellence Award on Energy Conservation 2023 and represented Thailand to participate in the contest at ASEAN level.

Sahaviriya Steel Industries PLC or SSI received the Excellence Award on Energy Conservation in the category of Designated Factory from the Thailand Energy Awards 2023 arranged by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy. The objectives of the award presentation are to praise and express appreciation to the companies with outstanding works on energy conservation and renewable energy development including the greater efforts put for development of renewable energy. Such award made SSI become the representative of Thailand in participating in the “ASEAN Energy Awards” in category of Energy Management for large industry.

SSI places importance on energy conservation by controlling and maximizing energy utilization within the organization and implementation of energy saving measures, both directly related to the production process, such as measure on reduction loss of thermal energy at furnace by using special coating material at the wall of the furnace no. 1, measure to reduce water pressure in steel surface washing process and measures relevant to production support systems, such as switching to usage of high efficient LED, mitigation of environmental impact, energy cost reduction, and encouragement on participation of all sectors on energy saving concretely and continually.

SSI had received 4 Excellence Awards on Energy Conservation in the category of Designated Factory (in 2008, 2014, 2018 and 2023) and 1 Excellence Award on Executive on Energy Conservation in category of Designated Factory (2009) from the Thailand Energy Awards. SSI also represented Thailand to participate in the contest at ASEAN level and won the “ASEAN Energy Awards” on Energy Management in Building and Industry (2014).