SSI took part as the pilot plant on Development of Economic Mechanism Project to Determine Carbon Pricing – Investment on Reduction of GHG

Mr. Manin Inprom, Vice President, Head of Manufacturing Division of Sahaviriya Steel Industries PLC or SSI received a pilot organization certificate for participating in the “The 2nd Development of Economic Mechanism Project to Determine Carbon Pricing – Investment on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission Project” from Mr. Rongphet Bunchuaidee, Deputy Executive Director of Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) (TGO) on 29 August 2022 at Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok. Objectives of this project are to promote the implementation of carbon pricing instruments within the organization; develop the prototype organization on application of carbon pricing mechanism within the organization; develop handbook on guidelines on implementation of carbon pricing mechanism within the organization by branch; promote the participation of various sectors and to serve as alternative on building economical motivation from reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

SSI determines to move forward to low carbon business by placing importance on the management on reduction of greenhouse gas problems through activities relevant to usage of energy, resources including generation of waste, rubbish, and pollution from business operation processes through important activities, such as 1. Preparation of the report on corporate greenhouse gas emission pursuant to ISO 14064-1 Standard; 2. Becoming a member of Thailand Carbon Neutral Network; 3. Effective usage of resources and renewable energy; 4. Development of environmental-friendly products; 5. Partner with alliances on establishment of CCUS Consortium aiming towards Net Zero, and 6. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Project with WorldSteel Association.